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What's New

  • "The Adventure" is published in Non-Binary Review

       September 2023

  • "A Mating Pair" will be published in The Four Faced Liar Issue 2, date TBA


  • "Stay for Dinner" is published as the cover for The Maul Magazine July 2023


  • "Epic Fail" is chosen for the May 2023 cover of Factor Four Magazine


  • "2084" will be the back cover for Radon Journal, Issue 4 - May 2023


  • "The Guardian" is chosen for the cover of Tree and Stone Magazine  Issue 7 - July 2023


  • "Ups and Downs" is published as the cover for Pulp Literature, Issue 38 on May 6 2023


  • "Stay for Dinner" will be the cover of The Maul Magazine Issue 3 (summer of 2023)


  • "Breach of Sector 5" is chosen for the cover of ParSec Magazine, summer 2023


  • "Unholy Night" was published in The Vampiricon - Stories and Retellings of the Vampire - February 2023


  • "Pretty Things" chosen for the October 2022 cover

       of Spaceports & Spidersilk Magazine

  • "Dragon Ride" chosen for the June 2023 cover of

       Spaceports & Spidersilk Magazine

  • "Emerge" chosen for the cover of The Maul Magazine's inaugural issue, published September 1, 2022


  • "The Seduction" will be published in the Fall/Winter 2022 issue of Diet Milk Magazine

  • "Love Letters to the Universe" chosen for the July 2022 cover of Factor Four Magazine


  • "Stranger in a Strange Land" will be in Journ-E - A Journal of Imaginative Literature Sept 2022 issue

  • "Ups and Downs" chosen for the cover of the Spring 2023 issue of Pulp Literature

  • "Risen" published in Terror on Tubi Magazine

  • "Precious" published in Terror on Tubi Magazine

  • "Autumn" published in Swim Meet Lit Mag


  • "Last Day of Summer" published in Swim Meet Lit Mag

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